
The Government defines domestic violence as

“Any incident of threatening behaviour, violence or abuse (psychological, physical, sexual, financial or emotional) between adults who are or have been intimate partners or family members, regardless of gender or sexuality.”

This includes issues of concern to black and minority ethnic (BME) communities such as so called ‘honour based violence’, female genital mutilation (FGM) and forced marriage.

Whatever form it takes, domestic abuse is rarely a one-off incident, and should instead be seen as a pattern of abusive and controlling behaviour through which the abuser seeks power over their victim. Typically the abuse involves a pattern of abusive and controlling behaviour, which tends to get worse over time

WCIL’s ethos is to impact positively in the lives of these less priviledged and vulnerable women who are entrap in their difficult predicament of domestic abuse. Our KEY GOAL IS EMPOWER:

E: Educating
M: Motivating
p: Preventing
O: Organising
W: Willing
E: Empowering
R: Readjusting

Esther Olayemi Akingbade-Olatunji




WCIL’s vision is to empower the woman with education by signposting to appropriate and suitable skills training organisations. The program they are referred will be individually tailored program that will enable the woman achieve her goals I.e. Training in vocational qualifications, card making designs, hair and beauty , sewing and fashion, jewellery making designs, catering, cake baking, soft life skills and other individual designed program interest.


WCIL’s vision to empower these women with motivation is fundamental to the program. These women deserve the confidence and dignity back in their lives. WCIL can support through counselling, sign post for mentoring to enable them carry on without the threat of domestic abuse occurring or manifesting again.

As these women avoid public knowledge of their situation I.e. Justice systems, family etc they become self-effacing through self-doubt. These program is designed to share coping strategies, that will reassure their ; self worth, self respect, self regard, self- esteem, self-support, self-acceptance, self -aware, self -assertive, self-balancing, self-assurance, self-discovery, self-knowing, self -motivated.


WCIL’s vision to empower these women with prevention is inevitable to the program. Thou WCIL is focused on trying to move these women forward ; especially due to their under privileged background and vulnerability.

WCIL will endeavour to provide support systems for the women involved. To provide information and network system which enables these women to enhance their skills, well being, access to support services. It is important to address abuse against women generally


 WCIL’s vision to empower these women in organising their lives is by looking outwards. Having a strong network link will be one of the paramount feature. Having access to resources that enables the support required. Having the confidence to address their issues without fear of reprisal from the perpetrator. Having an economic independence to ensure stability. Having life skills that rejuvenate a better future.


WCIL’s vision to empower these women is through their willingness and cooperation. Many victims, especially from BEM (black ethnic minority) have an additional barrier. The perpetrator is not charged by the legal authorities as families get involved and decide to handle the matter as a family matter, sometimes the abused woman will rather keep her mouth shut invariably due to reprisal by the perpetrator. This is unfortunately when these women feel obligated to stay in this quandary situation . The  victim always thinks it is the norm and receives no counselling or appropriate and significant support.


WCIL’s vision is to lay down some foundation for empowering these women. This will be client led ; these women will have the ability to find resourcefulness in what they decide to embark on.  Cognitive Behavioural Therapy can be embedded for support  and mentoring service. There is also forms of signposting to other therapy services.


WCIL’s vision is to reinforce continued support for these women by looking at how positive adjustments can be made. This diabolical behaviour from the abuser has or is having effects which invades the security of the woman, imbalance of the woman’s life. These women are Victims and are encouraged not to keep silent, as help can not be rendered if this the case. Unfortunate entrapment are sometimes unavoidable which leads the victim being severely abused resulting in death.
